mamamundo – Antenatal classes for pregnant women with a migration background

mamamundo provides access to antenatal classes for women who do not speak one of the Swiss languages. These classes have been available and popular in Switzerland for decades, but are only available in the national languages.
Berne mamamundo is a non-profit organization, recognized and subsidized by the Canton of Berne. Its purpose is to offer migrant women the same childbirth courses that are available to Swiss women and take into account migrants’ specific migratory, linguistic, and cultural backgrounds.
Biel mamamundo is a non-profit organization, recognized and subsidized by the Canton of Berne. Its purpose is to offer migrant women the same childbirth courses that are available to Swiss women and take into account migrants’ specific migratory, linguistic, and cultural backgrounds
Thun mamamundo is a non-profit organization, recognized and subsidized by the Canton of Berne. Its purpose is to offer migrant women the same childbirth courses that are available to Swiss women and take into account migrants’ specific migratory, linguistic, and cultural backgrounds. (Copyright image
Luzerne Since 2018, mamamundo courses have been offered at the Lucerne Cantonal Hospital LUKS. At the Lucerne site, pregnant women were able to benefit from the offer for the first time in spring 2018. The courses are offered by the LUKS in cooperation with Caritas Lucerne and the Health and Sports Department of the Canton of Lucerne. (Translated with

Midwives and an intercultural interpreter answer questions and provide information about pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding and the time with the child at home. They show how to relax with physical exercises and prepare for the birth. (Translated with

Solothurn Welcome to mamamundo Solothurn! The birth preparation courses of mamamundo will now also take place in Solothurn and Olten. We are looking forward to it!
Zurich mamamundo is a non-profit organization, recognized and subsudized by the Canton of Berne. Its purpose is to offer migrant women the same childbirth courses that are available to Swiss woman and take into account migrants' specific migratory, linguistic, and cultural backgrounds.
St. Gallen mamamundo is a non-profit organization, recognized and subsudized by the Canton of Berne. Its purpose is to offer migrant women the same childbirth courses that are available to Swiss woman and take into account migrants' specific migratory, linguistic, and cultural backgrounds.
Winterthur Are you pregnant? Do you come from a different country and speak a different language? Do you have questions about the birth? Then register for a mamamundo antenatal course in your language.